Sunday, April 10, 2011

Vacation diet dilemma

We are leaving for two weeks' vacation in three days, and I'm kind of wondering how I will manage with this diet while I'm gone.  We are doing a cruise of the Mediterranean, and I have no intention of depriving myself of amazing food from different countries while we're away.  One of our stops is Rome, and I used to live in Italy, and I haven't been back in years.  There is no way I'm not going to get some gelato while we're there.  And some pasta.  Mmmm, authentic pasta.  It won't be quite as good as in Bologna, I bet, but I'm sure I'll manage.

At any rate, it's going to be a challenge, and I haven't quite decided how to handle it.  I know I can follow the eat-within-an-hour-of-waking-up rule, no problem.  And I can certainly avoid many of the carb-loaded foods while we're on the ship.  I don't think I'll follow it while we're in port, though - that's just silly.  There's a workout room on the ship, and I intend to use it.  I guess I'll see what the dining options are like, and play it by ear.  To be completely honest, I'm looking forward to a break from this food routine, even though I'm only on my third week.  This diet is a pretty difficult undertaking!

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to tell you to just eat what you want (in moderation) while you're away and not worry about it too much. A friend of mine did the same thing (different dietary plan though) and although she gained some weight it came off fast when she came back and ate her regular food and started her exercise again. If it's something to stress about I don't see how it could work properly. You won't gorge yourself on food, but try not to worry about sticking too it so much and focus on relaxing. ;)
