Monday, April 4, 2011

Back in the saddle again...

I was a little surprised to find after all that eating on Saturday - the bagels, the milkshake, the ice cream, the doughnuts! - I only gained a pound.  Pleased, but surprised.  And actually, just the tiniest little bit panicked. Was the one pound weight gain, as has happened so often before, the beginning of the end?  I sure hope not.

One thing that I've been loving since starting this diet program is that I feel, for the first time in ages, that I actually have control over my body.  It's a strange but really positive feeling - but one that I'm not quite ready to trust.  Could it all be a fluke?  It just doesn't seem possible that I can do this without feeling really deprived - sure, there are cravings for things that I'd love to eat - but there are so many things that I can eat that I'm never feeling hungry or grumpy from low blood sugar.  Plus there is that sparkly light of all-you-can-eat Saturday at the end of my tunnel.

I was so busy yesterday trying to get things done around the house (we're leaving on a cruise the week after next) that I completely forgot about the food pictures, except for breakfast.  I made scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and green onions, and although I would have loved to have thrown some fresh goat cheese in there, I didn't.  And I didn't miss it.  All that much.  (Saturday is coming!)

For lunch I ate leftover bean soup from Friday, a small bowl of cottage cheese (the only cheese we're allowed - and I imagine that should be occasionally), and some leftover salad.  Nothing to write home about, but I certainly wasn't hungry.

Dinner was actually delicious, and I wish I'd thought to take pictures: black bean soup with veggies and fresh cilantro; a salad of baby greens, red onions, a few garbanzos, and some diced tomatoes in a balsamic vinaigrette (my 10-year-old informed me that the salad would probably be better with some blue cheese crumbles on it.  She went and got some and I was envious!  But Saturday is coming); grilled chicken wings, and grilled asparagus.  I'm definitely not feeling deprived. 

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