Wednesday, April 6, 2011


It's a bit pathetic - I completely forgot to take photos of anything I ate today!  It was a busy day, I guess, and with so much going on, it just slipped my mind.  But I stuck with the diet - it's feeling like a challenge now, so I am not really tempted to cheat.  I know that Saturday is just a few days away.

The best part of today was that my friend D at work has decided to join me with this diet!  I know she's been trying to lose weight, and this seems to be working for me.  It will be fun to do it together - we can help each other out along the way.

For breakfast today I had eggs over easy, turkey bacon and some lentils that I just heated up a little bit.  Even though the beans are not appealing to me in the morning, they definitely help stop me from getting hungry, so I'm going to keep trying to include them.  I didn't have much time to get lunch together before work, so I just threw some baby greens and diced veggies (onions, red peppers, tomato), and some garbanzos, too, in a container, along with a side of balsamic vinaigrette.  I also grabbed a can of Amy's split pea soup, which I'd never tried before, just in case.  I was so glad I brought that, because the salad just wasn't enough.  In fact, D and I ended up splitting the soup later on in the afternoon, which totally hit the spot after we both sat through a staff meeting with banana bread sitting right there on the table the whole time - plus some delicious candy, too.  It's not so hard to resist food when I'm not hungry, but it's a struggle when I am!  We decided we are going to stock up on "legal" foods to help us out when these things happen.

For dinner I made mashed cauliflower, which I was a bit skeptical about, but it turned out great.  I microwaved a cut-up head of cauliflower in a covered casserole dish with a little water in the bottom.  It took quite a while - maybe 8 minutes - until it was soft.  Then I used the lid to hold the cauliflower in while I poured off the excess water, and I added some butter (maybe a tablespoon or a bit more), a dash of cream - maybe a tablespoon or so - salt and pepper, and some Cajun spices.  I whizzed it up with an immersion  blender, and it was surprisingly delicious!  We also grilled some zucchini and chicken.  It wasn't bad!  I did not feel at all hungry for the rest of the night.

Oh!  And I almost forgot to mention that I lost half of that pound that I gained yesterday.  Woohoo!

Two more days, and then Saturday will be here again.  I'm already thinking about foods I'm planning to eat.  I may make some brownies.  And French fries would be nice.  And definitely strawberries and bananas!


  1. A friend of mine mixes her mashed cauliflower with sweet potato. Sweet potato isn't a starch like real potatoes are. You might want to try that? Or turnip and sweet potato...just something to add that give you more nutrition and keeps things less bland!

  2. Cat - That sounds delicious! I will give it a try. Food tips are great to get - thanks!

  3. My favourite thing right now is tuna and avocado mixed together. I could eat that for all 3 meals easily.

  4. Cat - That does sound good. I am sad that the last avocados we got were so bad. Do you ever get the kind that seem ripe, but when you cut them open they're all dark and stringy inside? What is up with that? I wanted some in my salad with salmon - it would have been perfect. But sadly, no.
