Thursday, May 26, 2011


Sorry I have been so delayed in posting here (I'm sure my single reader has been disappointed, ha ha!).  I'm still trying to get back on top of things after being gone for our 2-week vacation.  Now it's that crazy end-of-school time, and I've been spending a lot of time on a volunteer project for my daughters' school.

Anyway, I did a sort of modified version of the diet most days - eating the breakfast right away, doing eggs and meat and beans, that kind of thing.  But when I was in the various countries I always ate what I wanted - who knows when I'll be back?  And I ate whatever I wanted for dinner, but I usually avoided the pasta.

And guess what?  I only gained a pound! 

I've been following the diet faithfully since I got back, and I have now lost 11 pounds total, and three inches off my waist.  I feel so much better, and I have quite a bit more energy than pre-diet days.  Who knew? 

9 more pounds to go.  Woohoo!

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